-hanging out
That's what this summer brings for me, becoming more of an adult. And just because I say becoming an adult I don't mean becoming a bore (which I feel I am most days anyways, but that's another matter), I mean becoming an adult and facing the responsibilities that lie ahead of me. Paying bills, saving money, budgeting wisely both time and money, affording to put gas in the car.
We're so quick as kids to wish away "the easy life" expecting bigger and better things on our own. And don't get me wrong, I have had some of the bigger and better moments, but if I could go back and tell younger me something it'd be this:
Don't wish the "easy life" away. Enjoy being home everyday, take the time to respect your parents having you do chores because once you get out on your own, they ain't gonna be done themselves. Take the time for family as well as friends. I have so much time with friends being away from home (as they essentially became family) that there never seems to be enough time with family when you are home. And remember, one day you'll wish you had it all again. But there's no going back, only forwards.
Being an adult is hard sometimes, more often than it is easy. I often complain "I don't want to be an adult", "I don't want to adult today", or even "who made me adult?! Adulting is hard...".
I'm sure many can relate, but whether we want to or not, we have to. Nobody said growing up (AKA becoming an adult) would be easy, in fact we often times stare in disbelief at the crazies that tell us otherwise!
"What could be hard about making your own rules?!" one normally asks...
-money management
-time management; both recreational, job, and educational
-house chores
-car responsibility
I'm sure the list could continue for quite awhile.
Essentially, what I'm trying to say, especially to those just getting ready to start a new adventure whether it's starting college, starting grad school, new marriages, whatever it may be!
Enjoy the season of life you're living, because whatever comes next will be a new adventure you'll have to embark on. And if you sit back and try to reminisce about what you had before, you'll be missing the adventure in your hands.
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