Finals, oh my goodness the overload of papers this semester! I thought being a science major was hard each semester with like 4-5 finals to study for, but this last semester I took only one science class and the rest generals or classes for my theater minor. THERES SO MANY PAPERS! Never again will I complain about one or two papers for finals... Just give me a test to study for and I'll call it good.
I'm minoring in theater so yesterday I had my acting final. I had a scene partner and we performed our scene. Two hours we sat through the final so all 10 groups could perform. I had such a fun time in the class! I didn't know what to expect, I just took it because it's required for the minor... I only ver wanted to do behind stage stuff, like managing the stage! But it was fun acting for once, though I was always nervous as all get out before doing scenes or the monologue. But, my classmates were the best! I'm going to miss them come this spring as I'll be on science class overload again.
Next up, papers for mythology, intercultural communication, and a lloooong journal entry for my acting class... Not excited. If I wanted to write all these senseless (in my opinion) papers I would've been an English major. I don't even like writing reports for my science classes! (I joke and tell people I'm going to hire a ghost writer for when I do research in my future.) But, such as life. Guess we all know what I'll be doing tomorrow before working all night!
Oh my goodness, WORK! The last couple of weeks I've been trying to figure out why I was so far behind on homework, it was work! First is Thanksgiving extended sales with a million people that just wipe me put, and now, December has extended holiday hours! I'm at work an extra hour or two almost every night which cuts out of homework time. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my job... I just need to learn to better prioritize my time and schedule better. Oh being a functional adult... But, money pays for things like a phone and food. And gas, and insurance... Who knew growing up would be so exhausting?
Oh, right. Our parents.
Well, good luck on finals yall! Enjoy Christmas Break and enjoy the time at home away from college for a few weeks!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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