Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mugs n Muffins

My home church of Cornerstone has a once montly women's event called Mugs n Muffins. Here, the ladies of the church get together with their mugs from home and spend a bit of time just getting to know each other and enjoying muffins (and cheese and chocolate!) while we wait for a lady (or two) come up front and talk.

These talks are always focused around God and what He's doing, has done, taught, or is teaching us in their lives and how we can use it in our own lives.

It's truly a blessing.

Well, April's Mugs n Muffins I was asked to record as Miss Ann wasn't able to be there and really wanted to see it. The topic was Mentoring and being Mentored.

The first video covers most of the event, but unbenounced to me it stops recording after a time so I bit is missed between catching the last bit in the second video. The second video, I believe towards the end, has more of randomness that's unrelated. :)

ENJOY! And God bless you!

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