Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Coming to an end...

I hope as summer draws to an end and school starts up that everybody has made the most of it.

In my last few weeks of summer before returning to college, I'm looking back upon my summer and remembering.

Just last week I returned from the East Coast with my dad. He owns his own semi truck and was hired by a company who was hired by The Home Depot headquarters to go and make manufacturing repairs to carts. It was a two man job, hence why I went along. Horrible. I honestly, ugh, worst job I've ever had! It wasn't the actual job, it was the majority of people we had to work with, being confined in an extremely small space with two people when both of us were out in hot humid weather from morning until after the sun went down, Boston rush hour traffic absolutely SUCKED! (Thanks for the warning AFTER the fact, David...) and being dirty for two, sometimes three, days in a row.  Best part of the whole trip was when we took off a Sunday and went to Hershey Chocolate World in Hershey, PA.

We ended up leaving with over $100 worth of chocolate! On top of making our own chocolate bars, packaging Hershey Kisses... Seriously, it's almost as great as Disney World! Every man, woman, child, EVERYBODY needs to go some point in their life! Unless you're allergic to chocolate, then don't, because there is so much chocolate you'd probably go into anaphylactic shock just walking in the doors.

During those two weeks, the family I babysit for actually asked me if I'd like to run a 5K mud run with them.... I'm not a runner, in any sense of the word, but guess who's doing a 5K mud run in a little over a week! I may just die... Wish me luck! 

The rest of the summer I've spent babysitting the kids. I love them almost as much as I love my little sister :) The summer's also been spent getting computers fixed at MOA, unpacking just to find out we're moving again, barely a week before I have to move back into school! and conversing with my new  roommate, she's an exchange student from England! :D I was so SO excited when I found that out since my great friend Jess and her sort of knew each other. I'm looking forward to meeting her on the 21st and spending time together.  Sounds like we may be planning a weekend to Canada while she's here! 

Oh, and the very first week of classes, I've gotta leave early so I can make it home for my dad and step mom's wedding... because that will totally look good to my new professors. Well, that's life for you I guess.

Life, it's what you do...

Well... life; it has it's ups, downs, side ways, and upside downs.

The hardest part is when you finally think you're coming to a smooth road in all of it and WHOOP! giant drop off. You know, it's hard getting over one dilema when another is shoved in your face.

I have a job I love, but many people are telling me it's not a good enough job, so I sit here feeling like I'm letting everybody down while all I want to do is be happy... Yeah, I may not be making as much as I would like to afford a new camera or decent running shoes to finally get into shape, but at least I'm happy.

And my friends... I don't even want to go there! I love them so much, but sometimes, more often than not, I feel like nobody cares. That nobody even remembers I'm here, like I don't matter... And it doesn't entirely help when I'm still single while my closest friends practically found "the one". Feeling left out doesn't even start to describe it some days.

 A big part of my summer has been dealing with drama, which was the number one thing I did not want to worry about after my first year of college.

Just the other day I had a couple girls over, yeah it was great to see them, all of them my best friends, but for some odd reason throughout the entire summer I felt like they didn't care about me as much as I did them.  Like they were reluctant to even spend time together and did it out of pity.

The other thing with that is feeling like you care more about how they're doing and trying to help them out while they don't give two cents about you. It's hard feeling like that, trust me I know.

And then, there's the family drama... On top of having limited money due to health and past financial dilemmas, it's just complete chaos with the attitudes of two teens, step parent, and a stressed out parent. And it's even harder when you're a 17 hour drive on the east coast working when your little sister calls about a giant fight ensuing and there's absolutely nothing I can do to help.

I know, trust me, how hard it can seem at times. How the whole world is falling down, like nothing is going right. And it is at those moments, especially when I have no person I feel I can turn to, I turn to God.

A bible verse came to me once, Job 5:18 "For he wounds but he also binds up; he injures but his hands also heal." and that to me is the basis of why I know I can rely on God when the going gets tough.

And if you're not too keen on the bible verses, a band by the name of Switchfoot, they have a song, a song I absolutely LOVE called The Shadow Proves The Sunshine. The essence of this song is the fact that, like on sunny days, there will be shadows from clouds, proving the sun is shining, so when you're in a shadow of bad times, know they sun is shining down on you waiting to embrace you in it's rays of warmth.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Excitment!

HERE IT IS! Summer 2013! 

Agenda for the summer? Monday through Friday I babysit an adorable three-almost-four-year-old girl, some days I will have her older brother and sister too, but it should be quite the adventure. My first day on the job was Wednesday this last week so I've worked a whole three days. And let me tell you, she's such a cutie! She can have a bit of an attitude sometimes, but what kids don't these days? :) 

Next weekend I'm actually going back to MOA with the Brownie girls I helped lead (and some of the Juniors) for Sleep with the Sharks. Along with that, I will be going to MOA with my mamma and hopefully get my iTunes and iPhone fixed. Stupid technology. 

The weekend after that I'll be camping with my dad, step-mom, little sister, and her two friends. It should be quite the adventure... There's so many of us and so much camping stuff we're going to have to take two cars! 

I hopefully plan to have many a bonfire and girls nights with my girls :) I love my friends so much and I miss them dearly. 

I also have to get my door replaced and my car finished fixed from my car accident back in October. I'm so thankful for my dad fixing it donuts driveable. I didn't realize how much I missed my car until it was gone for so long. 

Outwit, Outlast, Outplay... SURVIVOR! (of my first year of college)

Well... here I am, blogging... first time since March.

This first year of college certainly was an adventure, but I survived (barely). I may not have had the great weekends of fun that everybody else seemed to have, or met the Prince of my dreams and fallen madly in love, oooor made friends that are forever, I somehow managed homesickness, depression, high stress levels, and lonliness. 

In all honesty I pretty much slid under the radar for my first year of college. I wish I hadn't sometimes, I think that if I hadn't been so... so... boring I might have actually made some great friends that aren't an ocean away (miss you Jess!), found a boy, and had fun with people other than my family.

The other hardship I survived was not being on academic probation! End of first semester I ended up on Academic Warning because my GPA was horrid so I basically had to meet with an academic counselor and talk about how to study better and manage my time better and blah, blah, blah... you know. At the start of second semester I aimed to get at least all B's. When finals came around I studied to the best of my ability, knew I could've done better still, and felt confident.

Less than a week later when I got my final grades I had a D in Quant Bio. I called my mom and BAWLED, to the point she thought one of my rats died. I was so afraid I was going to end up on Academic Probation, lose my job in the Cancer Research Lab, and fail out of school for a semester. I felt like my life was going to be over.

But, in the end, I'm not on Academic Probation, I wish I did things differently, and I have the future to look forward to. 

So basically, for future college students or anybody struggling with anything right now just remember this: work as hard as you can now, and if you know you could probably be working harder than do it! You may have the future to work on things but it's easier to maintain a higher GPA than to raise it end of your sophomore or beginning of your junior year before graduating.

And have fun but stay responsible! If you know you probably shouldn't stay out too late on a weekend, don't. I'm sure many friends you meet will be more impressed with somebody who can say no to partying when they need to say yes to studying and actually excel in school. Don't worry about partying, worry about grades because the parties can come after you graduate top of your college class.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Guess I've been slacking a bit!

Jeeze! I haven't posted in a LLOONNGG time! Sorry guys!

Well, here I am, my first ever College Spring Break! What have I done? I traveled to the oh so wonderful... wait for it... MINNESOTA! Yeah, I went real far coming home for break.  Today is Friday, I go home Sunday.  10 days straight at home, it's been nice but seemed like I only came home yesterday.

Here's what I did!

Last Friday:
  • Drove home with Ivan, got to Litch around 4:00, met Ivan's mom and her friend at Swan's so he could go home to the Cities
  • Watched Cannen for a bit so mom could run some errands; of course we played dinosaurs and finger puppets! 
  • Picked up Mari from Drippin' Dragons Swim practice (she's like a fish! haha), I surprised her actually because she had called mom and mom said I wasn't home yet
  • Went to Jimmy's Pizza for dinner with mom, Leah, and Miss Mari before Mari had to go to play practice at 6:00 for Honk Jr. 
  • Being that it was inconviennt for anybody to drive home then back into town less then two hours later to pick up Mari, Leah, mom, and I went to Walmart to waste some time.  After that I headed over to the High School to wait half an hour until she was done.
  • FINALLY! At 9:00 I was home, home.  :) 
  • Went to Hutch with mom and Mari where we visited with Starr and Doug, bought Mari a new swim suit, mom got a cute new outfit, I got a $50 pair of jeans for only $10!! and we ate some Taco Bell! Twas quite yummy!  
  • Went back into Litch to bring Jude his birthday present because he was at his Auntie's house with his mom instead of in Hutch
  • Anything else I forgot about... 
  • Church! I love Sunday's :) Mom wore her new outfit and looked super nice in it! 
  • Went to the clinic to get shot in the arm... think I caught something from somebody there, which sucks!
  • Had an eye appointment, my prescription in both eyes changed, my right eye more then the left eye.  I got to pick out new glasses and everything! Hopefully they come today! They'll be nice to have at school, and maybe I'll start wearing them more often because they look fairly decent on me... Just wish I had transition lenses due to my light sensitivity. Go me!
  • Went to Walmart to exchange a tank top for a larger size... I had to go from Lime Green to White because they didn't have any green in large, man was that depressing! After shopping around for other things I had a panic attack thinking I had lost my keys! D: I back tracked everywhere I was at, which was just the nail polish area and the pet section (gotta spoil the rats!)  Found out I left them in the car... another, Go me! 
  • Had lunch at King's Wok with mom, Shawn, and Leah.  It was pretty good.  Chinese is always a fun treat.
  • BEST PART! Going to my best friend's house to celebrate her 19th birthday! Happy birthday Sara! There we watched Wreck-It Ralph, Pitch Perfect, and Rock of Ages and ate tacos and ice cream cake! I met her RA/College Best Friend and her boyfriend, they're super nice. So glad she has good friends at school :) 
  • No recollection as to what I did other then getting my hair cut... I think I lounged around the house mostly that day.  Which is always exciting.
  • I baked a cake! I got tired of vacuuming the house (Damn lady bugs >:| They are everywhere!) so I decided to bake a cake. I used the recipe I got from Grandma E. years ago for Three Hole Cake and added strawberry jello mix to it, it's so yummy! mmmm!
  • Went to dinner at church with mom, Mari, and Leah... Shawn stayed home because he wasn't feeling good after having a reaction to his first infusion.  Mom went home after dinner while I spent a good part of the time chatting with Charissa.  After awhile we raced in a sack race, I totally won :) and almost died because I was starting to feel icky that day.
  • I was not feeling good that morning and mom took the day off to take care of Shawn... she made both of us go in, of course after I took ibuporofen I was just fine but still, the clinic I went.
  • I just had a cold, Shawn's mysterious swelling arm, no clue.  We had to run back and forth between the clinic getting his arm checked out to the hospital to get a chest CT and to Willmar to get an arm Ultrasound to check for clots or anything... Let's just say it was a long day of stumped doctors.
  • After getting home from Willmar we went home for less then 20 minutes before bringing Mari in for her Drippin' Dragons Swim Meet.  I hope she sticks to swimming until she graduates because she's such a fish in the water.  I'm so proud of her :) 
Friday (Today):
  • And here we are, up to date on the adventures here in Litchfield.  I'm currently upstairs in my room curled up in blankets with iTunes playing, my laptop, and listening to the munching and gnawing of the girls (Rose and Ivory, the pet rats) chewing away at once was their house.  Goofballs.   
  • I have to meet with Mac later today in town to give her her Girl Scout Cookies she ordered, hopefully get my new glasses and if I'm not too sick I will be having dinner with my dad tonight... his semi broke again so he was forced to come home for a few days even though he wasn't planning on it... I'm not gonna complain! :) 
I think I may try to nap a little before getting ready for my evening adventures!  Hope all is well in life, and if not, lemme know and I'll try to help. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's about time!!!

Well, I haven't posted since around Thanksgiving... in that time Templeton passed away, the pnemonia couldn't be cured.  It was real sad but she is buried under one of the trees in our front yard.  I miss her dearly but to finish Mari's science experiment we got two more rats.  Ivory and Rosalinda or Rose for short.  Rose is a beige hooded fancy rat, Ivory is and all tan-ish colored dumbo rat with the sweetest face ever.  They are just the most adorable girls ever! And so full of energy!

We also moved into a new house a few days before Thanksgiving and had 16 people over on Thanksgiving, it was crazy! 

Over Winter Break though, I went to TCX, Twin Cities X-perience, which is a Christian retreat put on by Cru.  It was so much fun praising God with almost two thousand other Christians and not worrying about being judged for loving Jesus.  I learned so much, too.  I do need to keep up on my Bible Studies though! #NewYrsRes

At TCX we had a day of outreach, MSUM students went to a local homeless shelter and delivered lunches and talked with them, a lot of Vikings/Packers tension because it was Football Sunday.  It was great fun learning that people who have so little can love so much, and have such a passion for football still.

After I got home from TCX I caught some sort of bug and ended up sick on the couch ALL day... it was rather depressing.  My sister came home from school and tried getting me to do stuff with her, once she was informed by me I was sick she changed her attitude to trying to help me as much as possible.

And here I am after Winter Break back at my second semester of college, classes are going a bit better so far but it's only been a week.  My biggest worry I think will be Quantitative Biology (Bio Stats).  I hate statistics already, but a friend from High School and I have practically the same schedule so all day Thrusday we get to hang out in Quant Bio and Quant Bio lab and Gen Chem lab.  Thursdays are going to BIZ-AY! 

Well... I'm going to wrap up this blog and go finish watching Surf's Up with my cousins and aunt... spending the night at their house again tonight haha :) Family Rocks.