Monday, December 3, 2012

Busy, busy, BUSY!

Finals start in.... TEN DAYS!! 

Scary how fast this first semester has already gone.  Everybody that I've talked to is saying the same things: "I feel like three weeks is so far away, but it's really not!" "It feels like school just started!" "Winter break cannot come soon enough!"

Lemme tell you something! Break is super close and if you're not careful it'll be here along with failing grades! So close to that in my own life! Lately I've been trying to balance homework, keeping my dorm clean, and supporting my family, and just general school stuff while trying to keep a social life.  I'm writing this post in a rush because I am so busy even today! 

Being part of a group called SMART Start here at MSUM you have to meet with almost all of your professors while getting to five SMART acceptable meetings, and turn in this passport thing which involves filling out information on different things on campus.  If you don't get that done than you can't be in the group next semester! (And if you don't get the 5 meetings you miss out on free $300!! But luckily I did all mine!)  I have a meeting with one of my professors in 20 minutes.

The only thing I can give as advice to future college students, or any students struggling down USE A PLANNER OR CALENDAR!!!!! I know it seems so cliche but it's true! I went and spent $5 on a calendar last week just to hang up on my closet door so I know everything going on! I've been doing To-Do lists constantly the last couple weeks as finals are coming closer and I'm trying to get late homework in so I can at least some what pass classes! 

And that brings us to the lovely stressing out and getting sick.  Everybody around me has been sick lately; home and at school.  And when my family is sick I just wish I could be there to help them out! It's tough sometimes being so far from home and all you want to do is help out! Honestly, the only advice I am going to use that I've learned so far this first semester of college is this: stay on top of EVERYTHING! Write down EVERY. SINGLE. ASSIGNMENT. and do it!  It's better to say no to people than go out every night and be exhausted.  One, you'll get homework done, and two, when it does come to crunch time for an assignment or finals you can breathe better.

I know a few of my friends are starting to stress out massively right now... I just want you guys to know I love you, I believe in you, I have loads of faith in you, and I will ALWAYS be here for you.  Any time, any where.  Breathe, relax, stop stressing, stay beautiful and before you know it, Winter break we'll be having loads of fun :) Christmas and New Year's will be great!

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