Well, I haven't posted since around Thanksgiving... in that time Templeton passed away, the pnemonia couldn't be cured. It was real sad but she is buried under one of the trees in our front yard. I miss her dearly but to finish Mari's science experiment we got two more rats. Ivory and Rosalinda or Rose for short. Rose is a beige hooded fancy rat, Ivory is and all tan-ish colored dumbo rat with the sweetest face ever. They are just the most adorable girls ever! And so full of energy!
We also moved into a new house a few days before Thanksgiving and had 16 people over on Thanksgiving, it was crazy!
Over Winter Break though, I went to TCX, Twin Cities X-perience, which is a Christian retreat put on by Cru. It was so much fun praising God with almost two thousand other Christians and not worrying about being judged for loving Jesus. I learned so much, too. I do need to keep up on my Bible Studies though! #NewYrsRes
At TCX we had a day of outreach, MSUM students went to a local homeless shelter and delivered lunches and talked with them, a lot of Vikings/Packers tension because it was Football Sunday. It was great fun learning that people who have so little can love so much, and have such a passion for football still.
After I got home from TCX I caught some sort of bug and ended up sick on the couch ALL day... it was rather depressing. My sister came home from school and tried getting me to do stuff with her, once she was informed by me I was sick she changed her attitude to trying to help me as much as possible.
And here I am after Winter Break back at my second semester of college, classes are going a bit better so far but it's only been a week. My biggest worry I think will be Quantitative Biology (Bio Stats). I hate statistics already, but a friend from High School and I have practically the same schedule so all day Thrusday we get to hang out in Quant Bio and Quant Bio lab and Gen Chem lab. Thursdays are going to BIZ-AY!
Well... I'm going to wrap up this blog and go finish watching Surf's Up with my cousins and aunt... spending the night at their house again tonight haha :) Family Rocks.